Focus Mate

Voice Control of EOS Lighting Consoles

Ever find yourself without an assistant sitting at the console during focus? Don't want to take your phone or iPad out when up a ladder or on a catwalk? Now you can control your ETC EOS console or Nomad setup with just your voice from your Apple Watch.

You can dictate full sentences, like you would to an assistant, and Focus Mate will do its best to execute what you ask. A keypad remote is also provided for use when longer commands, that are faster to type than speak, are required.

Supported voice commands include (with more coming in the near future):

Setup is done like any other OSC remote. The console/Nomad must be on the same WiFi network as your iPhone, and running EOS 2.3 or greater. The console must have String RX enabled and a valid OSC RX port (usually somewhere between 8000 and 9999). Then go to the settings of the app, and enter the console's IP address (hit the About key on EOS to find it) and the same port number, and you're good to go.